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*** The Official Carrier of Fox Valley Formula / Supplements and The Miracle Nipple / Syringes ***

Little Morsels (hamster / gerbil treats)

Hamsters and Gerbils are omnivores, meaning they eat animal and plant-based foods.  They also enjoy having a variety of foods in their diet.  Their primary diet should consist of high-quality commercial pellets containing all essential vitamins and minerals.  Small amounts of fresh fruit and veggies are also recommended.  Hamster and Gerbil owners know that their little critter loves treats, and let’s face it, who doesn’t love to watch their pet happily nibbling away on a tasty treat?  Our Little Morsels are healthier than those in a pet store.  No added sugar, Timothy hay, free-range eggs, and organic rose petals are just a few that go into making these popular treats.

Always remember that a rapid change in a diet may cause stress to a little pocket pet.  This can result in them developing diarrhea (wet tail or proliferative ileitis).  The wet bottom is mainly seen in hamsters.  To avoid stress from adding or changing your critter’s food or adding this new treat, start with a small amount and gradually increase it.  Even if your little pocket pet is begging for more Little Morsels, don’t fall for it.  Start slow.


Timothy hay, oats, wheat flour, whey protein, wheat protein isolates, whole free-range eggs, unsalted sunflower seeds, walnuts, apple, unsweetened coconut, organic rose petals, Essential Vitamins and Minerals.

Perishable – keep refrigerated for up to 3 weeks.