Gizmo Squares (guinea pig squares)

A bored pet becomes a depressed pet!

Guinea pigs are known to forage.  In the wild, they spend most of their doing just that.  Foraging keeps them physically and emotionally stimulated.  As a pet, it breaks the boredom.  This natural foraging instinct helps their emotional health, and the chewing that goes with it helps their digestive system and teeth.

As with introducing any new treat or food, do it gradually.  Some Guinea Pigs are finicky when it comes to something new.  If they stick their noses up and have no interest, that’s ok.  Try again tomorrow and the next day.  Some pocket pets take a bit longer to embrace something new.

Once your guinea pig realizes these are the new all-time favourites.
Sprinkle on food, mix in with hay, and hide between layers of a foraging mat.  These squares are great for bonding.


Timothy Hay, oats, apples and organic dandelion.

Offer 1-2 squares a day – depending on the size, as they easily break apart. If this happens, give the equivalent amount of 1 or 2 squares.

Even the crumbs are great mixed in the hay.

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