100% Organic Dehydrated red bell peppers, kiwi, orange peels, dandelion leaves, raspberry leaves, rose hips and rose petals.
Mother Natures Vitamin C Mix
Guinea Pigs cannot make their vitamin C, just like us humans. They need the help of their owner to get the right amount of Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) into their daily diet. Vitamin C is essential for healthy bones, blood vessels, and collagen production.
A deficiency in Vitamin C, also known as Scurvy, can result in fragile blood vessels, abnormal bone formation and connective tissue abnormality. Symptoms of Vitamin C deficiency in Guinea Pigs:
- Painful, swollen joints and tooth issues can then lead to eating issues.
- Weakness and difficulty with movement due to painful swollen joints.
- Loss of appetite and, therefore, weight loss
- Diarrhea
- Discharge from the eyes and/or nose
- Poor fur and skin condition
Scurvy can be reversed if caught early. The longer a Guinea Pig is deprived of vitamin C, the more likely complications will develop.
Experts recommend Guinea Pigs get between 10 mg – 30 mg of Vitamin C daily. Of course, this will vary depending on the weight, age and health of the Cavy. Guinea Pigs who have an underlying health condition that prevents the absorption of vitamin C may need a supplement. This should be discussed with a Veterinarian.
Good quality Timothy hay, Guinea Pig specific pellets and a variety of fresh food should be sufficient to maintain a healthy intake of vitamin C. A blend of Mother Natures Vitamin C on hand to offer your little pet a few times a week is just a bonus. They love the taste, and you’ll love knowing they are getting the bonus of natural vitamin C.